This is a self-written sequel to the story "A martian odyssey" by Stanley G. Weinbaum. This was for a school assignement. I hope you enjoy! Link to get the story
"Oh my god," cried Harrison.
"This is great! We have to get this back to earth!"
"Not so fast," said Jarvis.
"We have to find out more about this planet. Find new life-forms, look for
Tweel and his civilization, find out more about the barrel-people, and lots of other
Harrison screamed: "But this might be
a cure for cancer! Do you realize what this would mean? We can cure thousands
of people! We have to get this back to
earth immediately! It's much more important than all of these other
"No it is not!," said Jarvis.
"You don't even know what the crystal means for those creatures. Maybe
they can't live without it! We can't just come to another planet and harm other
creatures just in mankind's favor. We
need to examine these creatures, and all others on the planet, before we can
make anything in this planet ours."
"Nonsense", protested Harrison.
"We need to put our own problems in front of others, that's the only way
we can keep ourselves safe. We need to take this back to earth.!"
But the smart Jarvis wasn't just going to
let down. "It might be dangerous," he said.
"Dangerous? How do you mean?, "
Harrison asked.
"We don't know enough about this
planet, and what's on it yet. On here this crystal might be a cure, but you
don't know what effect it would have on earth. For God's sake, we don't even
know if it's safe on this planet. Who knows , maybe it has side-effects? Maybe
the healthy tissue it plant isn't even so healthy, but only looks that
"But ... Then how will we find
out?,"' muttered Harrison.
"There's only two ways to find
out," Jarvis said. "And that's to wait here, and do more research. Or
to wait until something happens to me. But what's certain is: we can't leave
this planet yet. At least not till we
waited a bit to see the effects the crystal had on me or until we find out more
about it."
"Well... Ok", said Harrison,
still muttering. "We'll start researching tomorrow. Let's all go to bed
for now."
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